Full Name: Shining Scissors (Shiny)
Birthday: March 13th (11)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual (finds out when she’s 25)
Parents: Snips and Silver Spoon
Sibilings: Bradia (Older Sister)
Shining Scissors, while the babbu of the family, is veryyyyy mature for her age, getting her cutie mark in hairdressing before cutie marks were even a topic in school. While she does have her cutie mark, she chooses not to act upon her talents until she’s older, leaving room for her to play with her friends, such as Maelstrom, Pearl, Fushia Apple, Candy Heart and Apollo (who has a mutual crush)
She also has a small thing for Fushia’s nasty twin brother Batter Swing, who lives in Balitmare.