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For most mares, when they blow up into their new lewd giantess of an inflatable rubbery mare form, it tends to go about straightforward for them, and then going straight into lewd fun as per normal in Rubberquestria. But for this one mare, Milky Way, things went a lot differently than one expected. She was already MUCH more stacked than even some mares already hugely blown up, and could even nearly rival Luna in bust before the lunar princess puffed up like she did. So when she inevitably ended up doing the same as many mares before her, things went MASSIVE with her bust, leaving just about every mares around her to see her new size and figure in awe and arousal, and to see her just so TALL now as well compared to her old form. The other major thing of note, bigger than anything else, was something she soon found out whilst lost in bliss from how GOOD being inflated so massively felt to her: Seems her own milkmare biology ended up carrying over to her rubbery form as well, and with her body basically a nearly hollow blown up latex mare standing there in bliss, she would end up soon feeling….and then even seeing herself quickly fill up with milk. And not just in her breasts, but her entire body was becoming a single massive container of milk in and of itself. Given that, and how quite massive these mares can get fairly easily on a normal basis, she’s going to get VERY massive soon, and more massively stacked than anyone could possibly imagine, if she doesn’t milk herself at least 1-3 times a day to deal with such excess milk.
Safe to say, she’s now left herself as the ultimate Milkmare, one whom can ensure nearly endless gallons of milk for whoever would need or desire such at any time and so massively and lewdly as well. And with how GOOD such milking will soon feel and become to her entirely, she’s now left feeling so GOOD that she is going to help others like this….whilst they help her with her own new growing needs from within.~