Based on the Chinese comic panels from: Lao fu Zi, Mr. Chin and Potato Head #39, pg 83
In our world, crime cannot take hostage of <ins>Equs Bank</ins>!!
<ins>Equs Bank</ins> takes <ins>criminals hostage</ins> of their assets and in exchange, we delightfully give them a—-
Run for their money!!
<ins>Yellow-jacketed Security Guards:</ins> Based on the triplet guards from Rarity Investigates
<ins>Attempted Hijackers (Humanized):</ins>
<a class="Leader" href="http://acervine.deviantart.com/art/Passpartout-442234555">Passpartout by acervine</a>
<a class="Sharpshooter" href="http://twinkleheart12.deviantart.com/art/The-Wild-West-s-Bandit-584720357">Notorious Georgie by twinkleheart12</a>
Sly Bandit by NyctoScoto
<ins>Equs Bank Logo:</ins> Based on the Lloyds Bank Logo *
<ins>Armored Truck Design:</ins> Based on the Brinks Armored Van
<ins>Correctional Facility Name:</ins> Based on the Walkenhorst Inmate Packaging Company
- (P.S. This is not an ad promotion of the bank; I only picked this symbol because it had a horse logo on it)