Twi: Well,and THIS is how our journey begins, with m poor house destroyed… I’m Twilight Sparkle! :)
RD puts her hoof around Twi’s shoulders: And I’m Rainbow Dash! ;D
Twi: Officially, we are here to introduce to you, our little counterparts: the squishies! And now they have more little friends!
RD: AND, since I’m so awesome- uvu
Twi: Rainbow~ ¬¬
RD: Fine~… since the little fellas don’t talk, in like, at all, and they just make a kinda squee-something noise, we will be making all the explaining part here :)
Twi: So, feel free to ask whatever you want, my little ponies! ^
RD: Are you into mares Twi? OvO
Twi pomf: DASH!!! #/////A/////
Twi: I’ll get you for that latter # ¬///¬
RD: Anyway, bring it on, guys! We wait your questions!! >:D And, feel free to embarrass Twilight as much as you want ;P
Spike: What’s the big deal, Dash, if I didn’t know better, I could say you are into Twilight. ¬¬
Twi & RD: W-WHAT?! (O///O) (O///O)
Spike: Duh, you’re acting like a little colt bothering the filly he likes ¬¬
Dash pomf; I hate you, Spike # ¬////¬