I have this scenario in my head that a bit older Silver Spoon leaves Ponyville for modelling career and comes back only as already an adult pony. She then stumbles upon Scootaloo who is now a pretty great and popular flyer and incredibly attractive, and develops huge crush on her. Scootaloo returns the feelings, finding Silver Spoon to be incredibly beautiful herself, and both have to work on their relationship despite not being supported by friends and struggling with their own past conflicts.
Here it is kind of an intense, heated moment so to speak, because I imagine and want their relationship to be kind of lustful due to both of them finding one another incredibly attractive.
This was kind of my take on both of them as adults. Scootaloo’s cutie mark at first had smth to do with scooter, but then I just depicted her as this determined, passionate and attractive lover. And I believe Silver Spoon might grow out of glasses and wear her mane loose, because why not. Also not sure about her future, but she could very well be a pony model – she’s super attractive even as a filly.