Adjusting to the wasteland is a unique experience for everypony, traumatic for some, terrifying to many, but for a few? It’s a break from the monotony of a dead-end life, knowing every day might be your last – and living them to the full – beats a life so blurred that years go by virtually unnoticed. That was what drew Risky Business down from the clouds, to live a life of daring do rather than consistent cloud-coverage. The ground also has perks, like cheap alcohol, bountiful caps, and… soft spots to sleep?
See, up above, a drunken night on the town would inevitably end with at least one ‘sus face-down in a cloud. Finding places for an inebriated pegasus to crash down here? The softer options tend to be the messier ones, and the light of dawn and sobriety shows that where-ever she stumbled into during the night… Kinda stinks, to put it simply.