Oh, my sexy, sexy readers. I, Brutamod, would like to thank you all so much for reading/watching Ass Brutalewd in the year of our lord 2015! For me, it has been a year of many IRL happenings – with whose details I shall not bore thee – especially in the first half of the year, when Ass Brutalewd went through a little hiatus. There are still more sexy horse animations planned for next year (and comics for this December) and Brutalewd & the gang hope to see you all there! Keep watching for more comics (with cameos), and keep sending in those Asks, fanart, and suggestions that keep me inspired to continue this ribaldry. Just remember that if you’re asking about spoilerish things, I can’t reply if you’re anonymous! ;)
Enjoy your holidays wisely! I’m gonna be using mine to draw more lewdity. Hopefully Brutalewd, ApPLEBloom, and Fury Belle can keep you entertained while the TV show itself is “between seasons”.
BrutaMod & Brutalewd