source description:
“…Wanna have another?“
Bases: All :iconselenaede:‘s
Floral Fractal’s Cutie Mark: starryoak.deviantart.com/art/F…
Starry Jam Tart’s Cutie Mark: starryoak.deviantart.com/art/S…
Flower Child’s Cutie Mark: starryoak.deviantart.com/art/F…
Tree Hugger Alone: starryoak.deviantart.com/art/O…
Starlight Glimmer Alone: starryoak.deviantart.com/art/O…
Designed By: :iconstellardragons: :iconstrawberry-spritz:
She’s joking, don’t worry. They’re a big enough family as it is.
Both of them are characters I see very much as having lots of kids, so… it happened. Have some bios for the kids in order of age (the older designs tell the story of Starlight and Treehugger’s get together). They were named by taking turns, although input was given from both sides.
Floral Fractal
Oldest of the foals, Fractal is a math teacher to his siblings and the other hippies at the commune. His cutie mark was a bit of a problem for Starlight, and a fun story for the kids. He got it teaching his little how to count how many grapes could fit in her jars based on math, but was worried about getting in trouble with his mom, but his tail is really short, so he could only cover up some of it Babs style… the parts covered were the ones that WEREN’T the Equal Sign. This was a cruel joke on Starlight, “Oh COME ON!” style. Someponies who weren’t particularly forgiving of her were preparing the torches and pitchforks because she ‘went back to her old ways’, and very unfortunately, there are a lot of pitchforks and torches in a commune…That reaction kept Fractal covering his CM for a while, which did not help it at all. He ended up revealing the two less/more than signs and the X just about before the pitchfork crowd was ready to do some old school Frankenstein style chasing out of town. He’s very grumpy and high strung, teaching is hard, especially in a commune with… interesting residents, to say the least. He’s easily frustrated and snarky, but he loves his siblings. Now if only they could shut up.
Starry Jam Tart
Jam, as they prefer to be called, is a nonbinary jam maker (with winemaking as a side project). They prefer to be called ‘They’, but accept being reffered to by female pronouns as it is their birth gender, and they’re pretty chill about everything. They’re into meditating and baking, and they’re very patient. They like peace and quiet the most, but don’t mind noise either. Chill.
Flower Child
Third child, Flower Child’s special talent is friendship and harmony. This does not make her an element, but she is very much a fangirl of the Mane 6 (to Starlight’s slight dismay and Treehuggers delight), especially Auntie Fluttershy. Her cutie mark was gotten by solving a dispute between Jam and Fractal, and represents all of her siblings (at the time of her cutie mark)
Moonlit Forest & Meadow Frolick
Twins, these two are giant dorks, but very rambunctious. Moonlit is the colt, but Meadow is the more dominant and roughhousing of the two. They like pranks and find it fun to mess with each other and their siblings. They’re a handful, and they specifically love driving Fractal up the wall most of all.
(Changed his colors because the brown was not working, sorry DX) Twink is still very young, and his personality is undeveloped, but he sleeps a lot and is very much a crybaby, getting upset by almost everything. If Fractal so much as makes an annoyed grunt, he’s ready to burst into tears because his big brother doesn’t love him anymore. This doesn’t help the problem.
A painter even as a 4 year old, Winny is a huge fan of hoof painting, and a huge disruption for Fractal, as she loves painting over all papers that she’s given or sees, and a few walls as well. She tends to trail paint wherever she goes, and leaves her hoofpaintings around wherever she goes. Often on Fractal’s math work. The things Fractal goes through for his family are many.
Strawberry Smiles
Baby. No personality yet, just baby. Very giggly. His name was a coin toss, as their last, it was supposed to be Starlight’s turn, but they decided to ‘let fate decide’ (in Treehugger’s words, anyway.)