Prince Paradox is the child of Discord and Celestia magically born before Discord Banishment. He was born outside of the timeline. He joined in after finding one timeline in where Luna can enter dreams. He spent most of his time he curious, but after nightmare moon he awakened to power of weaving dreams.
After 2 weeks of the royal wedding, he finally found a out. He finally return to his rightful place.
Talent: Creating dream.
crush: Queen Chrysalis
Weapons: Two board swords.
Personality: Cheshire personality with a of gluttonous side. Kind, relaxed at time. Unwise to insult his family or friends.
Theme: m.youtube.com/watch?gl=US&hl=e…
Voice: m.youtube.com/watch?gl=US&hl=e… or Simba
Left front leg: griffon claw
Right front leg: Tiger
Likes: food, jazz, blues, friendly fight.
Dislike: Blueblood ( unless they’re a nice version.), drugs dreams, rude ponies.
zodiac: Libra
outfit choice:Outfit that fit the noir detective style. Grand Karma: Like the name says. unleash the a powerful blast based on the strength of the attacks launched at him.
Thousand slash in one: This technique is one of Paradox’s ultimate sword skills. He can enchant his sword, so when the first slash hit, it create thousand magical slashes.
Faults: Gluttonous and terrible at magic outside of battle.