Within the dense jungles of the Onga rain forest, we see Maisha the Okapi, gathering special herbs for ingredients that are possibly for medicinal purposes and food. She fills special gourds up with edible seeds, berries and other various fruits she finds on her jungle treks.
She collects the most interesting and unique plants of the forest and only takes what she needs and nothing more.
For the rain forest is her home. Without it, there would be no food to sustain her, a home to live in or a place to hide and seem all mysterious in.
Jungle’s are so much fun to draw! So many different plants, so lush, so green, so….uhhh……..full of water and oxygen!
I felt that it was about time to expand on Maisha’s home, which is the dense forest, containing who knows how many plants.
Most of the flora you see here was thought up off the top of my head. All except maybe the Palm tree which was based off of a Coconut Palm and that little Bromiliad plant in the fork of the large tree to the left.
Another thing, I found out at the zoo that I volunteer at, that Female Okapis don’t have any Osicones on their heads. Only males do.
That’s why in this picture of Maisha, she has no Osicones. Because the first one was a small error.
Small Message to Fluffy-Fly, I hope you really enjoy this knowing you love Okapis! Thanks again for giving her to me as a gift!