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You’re getting far to good at guessing outcomes! Though only partially correct here! Originally Humble thought to go as a genie for Nightmare Night, after consulting a certain zebra who has taken up residence in his shop… Well, the costume wasn’t what he had in mind. A few days (that is to say a few gurgly sounds, and missed days of work) later he opted to go as a robot, something the genie couldn’t twist, and he could finish on his own (Seeing as how it’s rather hard to trick or treat and the like from inside an ancient eldritch being); however in a technical sense I suppose he’s… Kind of going as both.
Honestly Humble you’re just lucky the genie likes you and doesn’t count these ‘mishaps’.
In reference to this picture because I seriously love how the genie’s expression came out in it. Originally I was going to do a middle scene to this but didn’t manage to get it done, eh but later perhaps as I kinda want to explore these two a bit more anyway. Oh, and apologies for no Mistguard, not quite back onto the full on vore kick, though I am thinking on that story, which might just involve the fishbutt.