While on their way to visit Lotus and Aloe for their usual works, the two best friends are surprised to find that there are a bunch of other ponies there who have large inflated bellies. They asked the spa ponies afterward what was going on and have explained to them that this was a new type of massaging that was being tried out across Equestria. Inflating the bodies of ponies and pushing out their body muscles allowed deeper muscles which were harder to reach properly could be toned and treated.
Though reluctant at first, the sisters reassure them that there is no pain involved and it is easy to reverse without any pain involved and no stretch marks left over afterward. The two ponies agree to the treatment with them being inflated by the staff that Lotus is using right now on Rarity who finds the massage to be some of the most delightful and relaxing she has had in a long time as she gently pressed her soft, inflated belly feeling like the softest pillow she had ever touched. Fluttershy also feeling loved about treatment cant help but giggle as Aloe continues to massage her tummy. Maybe theyll go for making themselves a little bigger? Who knows? :p