Chrysalis, Queen of Equestria, chuckled as she looked over her land. Today, her subjects were going to bring another sacrifice. This time, a ranking member of the feeble resistance. This one was the former mayor of a smaller town Chrysalis forgot the name of. She was bound to be delicious, either way.
The queen couldn’t help but think about her first major victory in her takeover of the land. These were the vanguard, a group of six ponies who could wield the Elements of Harmony. Those…those were the most delicious of all. Queen Chrysalis remembered their exquisite taste and their adorable struggles inside of her belly less because of the taste and struggling themselves, and more because that was just the beginning, ultimately culminating in the devouring of all the royalty.
She likes to call it “The Day I Conquered Equestria.”
Oh look. Here’s that sacrifice…