Wow I had this concept last night and wanted to draw it immediately
where like what if there was some sort of explosives strapped to something or someone and you never knew when they were going to go off and no one was willing to help get them off of you and everyone just ran in fear of you instead? And since you never know when they’re going to go off you just live your life in fear unable to sleep or relax or go out in public?
I was originally gonna incorporate this idea into a new fancharacter or something but it didn’t suit me and I don’t need more characters at the moment lol
so here have Pinkie Pie living her entire life alone in fear crying etc
<sub>oh gosh i drew official character</sub>
<sub>also this isn’t hate art i don’t hate pinkie i don’t hate my little pony i am not trying to make people mad i just like to draw thought evoking stuff, also thanks to whoever put this on EqD?? wow im honoured</sub>