Behold, The Evil Mane Six!
Meet, Lavender Lemon. She cut her eye on accident while trying to make a potion that would turn everypony against the mane six. now she’s a psychopath.
Meet, Queen Starlight. She is a tyrant that holds the key to the crystal gem that can turn anypony invincible. She used it and now she’s a total demon like sunset shimmer acted.
Meet, Fire Boom. She used to be a normal 11 year old, until one day, her parents died in a volcano accident, and then she decided to rule the volcanolands in equestria.
Meet, Cloverschy. She was so addicted to St. Pactricks Day that she discovered picking clovers, and then she got addicted so she married a clover.
Meet, Redblade. She is a total jerk and she is selfish and don’t care about anyone but herself. She fights constantly with everypony around her and she says swear words. but if she was ever in the mlp show, she wouldn’t not in a show rated TV-Y.
Meet, Emopony. She is texting her boyfriend and she goes on dates with him but when he betrayed her just for becoming sexier, she got mad and killed her boyfriend. And became evil.
So The Ponies Teamed Up. Elements Of Evil.
Emopony – Fear
Redblade – Selfishness
Fire Boom – Anger
Cloverschy – Negativity
Queen Starlight – Tyranny
Lavender Lemon – Brutality