Awww Yeaaah. Half a dozen things from the original concept for the Ponymarillion fic are confirmed canon.
MAP LINK >>766935 showing the Sub-continent of Little-Equestria (Alfalfaland and the Lands to the North)
Original version of the 2011-2013 family tree here >>479978 See also >>477650 for related derpiness.
From the Ponymarillion Group on FimFic.
To explain who these characters are and which ones are played by which ponies, see this thread.
_Naeggh! Sing We now of the Song of Equestrian Ponies, Spear-Guarded, Shield-Slinging, Who Paddled the Sea-Pony Paths in Butterfly Ships, Guided by Gossamer Wings, Horn-Swoggled, Mane-Bedecked, Eyes Glowing; and That Noblest of Kin, Starfall Starbringer, That Led Her Mares Out of Darkness, Doom-Defying; And What Became of the Alicorns, Manes Majestic, Towering Tiaras, as They Came Amongst their Kin in Little-Equestria. The Rise of the Moon Tell We, and the Day’s First Dawning! Of the Wrath of Tiny Unicorns, and the Feathered-Ponies _