Full name: Purity and Panacea (Pony and dove, respectively)
Spark word: purity, panacea
Submitted by: Anonymous, Golden Dragon, respectively
Date completed: May 19th, 2015
deviantArt: http://bluesparkks.deviantart.com/art/Blue-Spark-Forge-Purity-and-Panacea-534091145
Panacea is a fun word but not really apropos for a pony name. Purity, on the other handwell, shes only late cause Panacea got lost. Honest!
Definition (from Dictionary.com):
purity (noun)
1. the condition or quality of being pure; freedom from anything that debases, contaminates,pollutes, etc.: the purity of drinking water
2. freedom from any admixture or modifying addition.
3. ceremonial or ritual cleanness.
4. freedom from guilt or evil; innocence.
5. physical chastity; virginity.
6. freedom from foreign or inappropriate elements;careful correctness: purity of expression.
7. Optics. the chroma, saturation, or degree of freedom from white of a given color.
panacea (noun)
1. a remedy for all disease or ills; cure-all.
2. an answer or solution for all problems or difficulties:
His economic philosophy is a good one, but hetries to use it as a panacea.