The long awaited SpitDash kid, Cool Current.
Okay, so, as is safe to assume, Cool Current is the daughter of Spitfire and Rainbow Dash. Spitfire was the carrier for her, but she is the equal daughter of both moms, due to some Zecora potion magic. She was a very nervous foal because she was afraid to disappoint her mothers who are very athletic and famous. Once she actually did, showing them she’s not athletic like they are, she could focus on her own abilities and what she’s actually good at. She’s an illustrator and she loves to make comics. She bonded with Dash when she was younger, over Daring Do novels, but as she got older, she saw them as trivial and saw the major flaws in the writing of the series.
This also shows a bit of my headcanon of the involvement of the Mane6 in all of their children’s lives. They would be like “Aunt Pinkie” or “Auntie AJ”. They’d all be close to the kids in some way. Because of her hermit-like habits, Curry would spend a lot of time at Twilight’s Castle, in her library, where it was large and empty a lot of the time. It’s where she got to know Spike and where he showed her his comics after complaining of being unable to find entertaining material. Spike became a big part of her life and without him, she never would’ve discovered her talent for illustration.
Also, she’s how I can keep going with my Power Ponies, because I’m having her primary comic works when she’s older be like a “New 52” for the Power Ponies, MEANING I CAN ALSO INTRODUCE NEW POWER PONIES.
wow i have her a lot more developed than i thought, esp considering dash is my least favorite of the mane6.