Seeing that Fluttershy’s the world champion at breath-holding to be quiet, I thought to myself, ‘what if she was the world champion at breath-holding underwater?’ That’s where this came to be.
The Cutie Mark Crusaders are finding ways to achieve their cutie marks. So they went to the pool to be champion swimmers. When Fluttershy asks them why they’re at the pool, the CMC’s say they want cutie marks at swimming. But the CMC’s can’t swim long distances, so Fluttershy decided to have them hold their breath underwater. The CMC’s agree and moments later, all four are underwater in the pool, holding their breath for as long as they can. But how long can they stay there? For Fluttershy, it could be an eternity. For the CMC’s, they won’t last long based on the looks on their faces.