It was 2 in the morning, and Vecto could not sleep anymore
Vecto: mmhmm rubs eyes with hooves What time is it?
Aglow: Snores
Vecto: EEP! looks at his cousin God lord, is like a lawnmower Aglow Hey cous wake up
Aglow: keeps snoring
Vecto: shakes his cousin Aglow!
Vecto: deep asleep darn it gets up from bed, and his stomach growls I am hungry mmm
Vecto: eeepp!!! looks around to see where the noise comes from uncle spike? leaves rooms
<dd>What are you doing awake?<br/>
Vecto: AHHH!! <br/>
Rarity: Wow! Darling, relax! Its me!<br/>
Vecto: Aunt? Oh my Celestia! I think I had a heart attack! <br/>
Rarity: Relax baby</dd>
Vecto: Why are you awake?
Rarity: Oh! Ruby woke up because of a nightmare, so I was on my way to give her some warm milk Want some?
Vecto: Look at Ruby, smiles and his tummy growls Can it be with some cookies? smiles blushing
Rarity: That sounded more like a sandwich to me smiles Lets go
Vecto has a slight insomnia, he loves to play games in the night with his dad, but this time his awakening on the middle of the night is because he slept all afternoon I know that feeling!
Here is the brake point! This is kind of important, because is where the story splits.
Ill keep doing the Vecto slice of life story and at the same time the one full of adventure. So it will slip here Every time I upload an image, please remember witch story you are in, so no confusion!
I am excited to show all of you what I have been working!
See you next time!