Starburst: Why do we have to go these fancy dinners with our mommy’s and daddy’s? They’re so boring
Illusion: I agree. Though it is our duty as royals
Starburst: But it’s no fun! We just have to sit and listen to the grown ups talk. I’d rather go play and fly. gasps Did my mommy tell you I can fly now?
Illusion: You can? Well, congratulations!
Starburst: Thanks! I’m stronger too now! See, I don’t even need my ribbon anymore!
Illusion: Haha, lookit you!
Starburst: spreads wings proudly
Illusion: I bet you’ll be doing crazy tricks and stuff in no time
Starburst: You think so? Well…. it might be hard since mommy and daddy are busy all the time. Mommy’s also been really tired all the time. And she’s getting fat. Aaaand daddy always has to take care of her.
Illusion: ……………….. realizes what that means Ah, well um. That’s a bit of a shame. I hope things get better so she can fly with you.
Starburst: Yeahhh…….
Illusion: ……….. Hey, whaddya say we ditch the fancy dinner today?
Starburst: Really? Can we do that?
Illusion: Eh, why not? What’s one missed dinner?
Starburst: I-I dunno…. won’t we get in trouble?
Illusion: It’s okay. I’ll take the blame. I promise
Starburst: But I don’t wanna get you in trouble…
Illusion: I’ll go flying with yoooooou
Starburst: …………. Okay!
Illusion: C’mon, I know a cool little grassy field where we can go flying around
Starburst: Yay!!!
arrive at the grassy field
Starburst: Wow! It’s so pretty!
Illusion: Mmhm. So let’s see you fly kiddo
Starburst: Okay! spreads wings and starts running. She gets about a foot in the air and stays up for about five seconds Did you see that? I did it!
Illusion: Wow! That was great! You’re so good!
Starburst: smiles
Illusion: Most foals your age can’t fly yet. See, your big wings are great!
Starburst: blushes I guess so
Illusion: I bet they’ll come in handy when your Captain of the Royal Guard
Starburst: I don’t think I’ll ever be in the royal guard.
Illusion: Well why not?
Starburst: Because I’m a filly. And I’m small and I’m gonna be small forever.
Illusion: You don’t know that for sure. And so what if you are? That doesn’t matter.
Starburst: But nopony believes in me.
Illusion: What are you talking about? Your cousin and your father support you!
Starburst: Kinda. I can tell that they don’t really wanna be in the guard though…
Illusion: Well, I don’t think that’s true. But if it is, I’m sure it’s just because they want you to be safe. Being in the royal guard can be very scary sometimes.
Starburst: I know…
Illusion: If it means anything, I believe in you. And I know you’ll be the best guard ever
Starburst: Thanks! And you’re gonna be the best prince ever! whispers Don’t tell Valilants I said that
Illusion: chuckles You got it. But I don’t even know of I’ll be able to be a prince
Starburst: W-why not???
Illusion: You may be too young to understand but….. I’m different…… and a lot of ponies don’t like that. They want a normal pony to rule.
Starburst: What’s wrong with you? You’re not different. You and Claire look the same just like how me and other pegasi look the same and how unicorns and other unicorns look the same and earth ponies and other earth ponies look the same takes a deep breath and the princesses and the ali alilic alicorns look the same.
Illusion: chuckles Heh, well, it’s a little different for me and Claire. We’re “unnatural” as some ponies like to say. The first of our kind.
Starburst: Well, that’s silly.
Illusion: Yeah. Little bit. I’ll just have to work really hard to gain their trust, huh?
Starburst: Mmhm. And I believe in you! You’ll be a prince someday
Illusion: Thanks Star. So, you wanna go fly some more? I’ll go with you this time
Starburst: Yeah!
Illusion: spreads wings from fur
Starburst: Wow! I didn’t know you could do that!
Illusion: chuckles I can do a lot of crazy stuff. So what are we waiting for? Let’s fly
Starburst: Okay!
Yay Illusion and Star :dummy: