18: Invitation
Sweet: Do you know? I told to Comet that we won a Cruise.
Taek: So, what Comet say?
Sweet: He didnt even matter that I will go for two weeks…
Sweet: We ended up discussing…
Taek: Ains! Its because men are fools, he understand nothing…
Sweet: You tell it!
Sweet: I just hope that the trip help me to forget the bad times.
Peach: Ha!
Peach: Hi girls! I was looking for you!
Both: What? For we?
Taek: If it’s because you want the 100 bits I borrowed to you, forget them!
Peach: I want my money Taek!, but this time Im here to invite you to the Annual Summer Dance, I hope to see you there!
Both: Invitations!? For a dance?!