Third and final submission for Kilala97’s contest. Was considering some other things for my last one, but after seeing >>769387 and >>770856, I felt the urge to escalate poor Hot Head’s discomfort with Amber Lily’s casual inappropriateness. In this case, I thought it might be neat to have a little “revenge” from Prism for >>768705.
~ Dialogue ~
Hot Head: opens front door Lucky, Amber, you guys home? You’ll never believe what…
Amber Lily: giggles from couch
Hot Head: Uh… Amber?
Amber Lily: loud smacking noises
Hot Head: Amber! Are you seriously making out with some guy right in the middle of the living room?
Amber Lily: head pops up Huh? Oh! Uh… I was not expecting you home so soon.
Hot Head: I was supposed to be home over an hour ago. What kind of mother are you?
Prism Bolt: stands up from behind the couch The kind who gives her kids naked mom hugs, from what I hear.
Hot Head: …!
Prism Bolt: Something wrong, buddy?
Amber Lily: Ooooh… ah, listen, I can explain…
Hot Head: Of all the men in all the world… you had to make out with my arch rival?
Prism Bolt: “Arch rival”? Wow, I’m kind of flattered, honestly.
Amber Lily: Oh, come on, now. Just about every colt at the orphanage aside from Lucky was your arch rival.
Hot Head: Okay, yeah, maybe when I was ten, but this is different. Besides… he’s an ass!
Amber Lily: And what an ass…
Prism Bolt: Listen, it’s not like I planned this.
Amber Lily: The poor guy just wanted someone to talk to after… well…
Prism Bolt: Well, not so much “talk,” but I needed a distraction.
Amber Lily: He was pretty worked up, so I just thought I’d let him hang out and shoot the breeze. Y’know, maybe make him feel a little better about himself…
Prism Bolt: Which she did! But, y’know, your mom has got it goin’ on.
Amber Lily: And have you looked into this man’s eyes? I mean… haha… wow.
Prism Bolt: And that pretty marmalade skin…
Amber Lily: Such a charmer. I mean, it’s no wonder that one thing led to another and…
Hot Head: I eat breakfast on that couch.
Amber Lily: Hm. Yep, I think I might have finally broken him.
Prism Bolt: Oh, well. It’s been fun.
Amber Lily: Sure has. Swing by again next time you’re in Canterlot, and I’ll keep the bases loaded.
Hot Head: Nuuuuuuu…
Prism Bolt: Hey, listen sport, I know it’s a lot to adjust to, but just think about it. After all these years, you’ll finally have a daddy.
Hot Head: … faints