ecently, I saw the latest drawing that Benny posted, and it showed Golden Films Beast sad, because he’s not getting much love like the Disney Beast or other beasts out there. Seeing the poor guy’s face got me sad. I almost felt like crying. So, to cheer myself up, I made this.
The Golden Films Beast is getting love from Rex, Fluttershy, Stanley the troll, and Zazu. Zazu even holds a letter that Prince Adam sent. It says that even though Golden Films Beast is not very popular, he’s working with a studio that uses it’s money to support starving children, and he assures him that those children will love him for working with Golden Films.
I really wanted to make this. I hope Benny, along with the other LKHFF members, sees this and gives me credit for having a strong heart.
Fluttershy: Fluttershy is famous for making friends with any animal, whether it’s a small and cuddly bunny, or an intimidating bear. She’s got a strong fond of animals. She’s got a big heart and cares for animals, no matter what they are.
Stanley the troll: While I’m not into “A Troll in Central Park,” I added Stanley because he has a strong heart too. He also didn’t really have a popularity, but his heart is in the right place. He loves flowers and doesn’t like those who like deforestation. He even has a green thumb that can make precious flowers grow in a snap.
Rex: Rex also has a strong heart. He doesn’t like sadness, and he loves giving happiness to anyone, but mostly children. His movie, “We’re Back! A Dinosaur’s Story,” didn’t really get successful like “Jurassic Park,” but the movie has great characters, great music and emotional moments.
Zazu: I would’ve added Rafiki, who could comfort the beast, but I added Zazu because I wanted the Golden Films beast to know that Prince Adam loves him and there is nothing to be sad about. Zazu was the perfect character to use to deliver the message.