>Anon: C’mon honey, please smile
>Sunset Shimmer: P-Please, stop, I’m cold
>Anon: Sunset…If you don’t give me an fucking smile I’m gonna break your fucking mouth with a brick, I swear for Celestia!, Now smile!
>Sunset Shimmer: I j-just want go to home, p-please
>Anon: Enough (Anon pick a brick)
>Sunset Shimmer: No, no, no!!!! (Sunset quick cover his mouth with the hands)
>Anon: remove your fucking hands from your fucking mouth bitch!!! I don’t care if I need broken your fuckings hands only to get smash your fucking mouth.
>Sunset shimmer: A-Anon, You promised me to become a movie star…
>Anon: Sure honey, and right here I have your fucking stars (SLAM)