Artists story Psychodash Warning: Flutterabuse and Grimdark.
Rainbow Dash was furious. She got this way whenever she spotted Fluttershy and her useless wings. Why was the yellow pony even born a Pegasus when she never used her wings? No only that but she was slow flying when she did and never cleared clouds or raced! It was a disgrace! The blue Pegasus had to turn and fly away at the sight of her friend just walking along, wings tucked at her sides.
It hadn’t been a good day today for Rainbow; not one bit. Derpy Hooves had shot lighting at her, when helping Applejack a bunch of apples fell on her, Twilight messed up some magic and it made the blue Pegasus pass out, and Pinkie Pie was too busy to play pranks with her! Then Rarity needed someone to fit dresses on and Rainbow was nearest so she ended up getting pricked by needles for nearly an hour! Rainbow Dash was now flying rapidly in the air trying to blow off steam when she spotted that waste of space Pegasus named Fluttershy. Something in Rainbow Dash urged her to take her anger out on the other pony; something that couldn’t fight Rainbow. Folding her wings she dove, front hooves first, for the weak little mare, anger blazing in her rose eyes. As she got within twenty feet of the other she opened her wings and slowed only slightly, becoming quieter and more controlled. Fluttershy had no idea what was to happen as she looked up to the figure hidden by the sun in her eyes who was only a few feet away. Hooves meet with skull as the blue pony collided with the yellow one; a sharp contrast of colours. The yellow pony stumbled sideways from the force and fell, rolling a few feet before stopping; unconscious. Looming over the fallen other Rainbow Dash frowned deepy as blood wetted Fluttershy’s head and her own hooves. Now it was time to get to work; she was still angry after all.
Flttershy woke in darkness, vision blurred by blood in her eyes. She looked aroung slowly to see she was in a room…. on one wall it had “USELESS” writen in…. blood? A stinging in her side made her whip her head and see that her left wing was….. gone. Looking at her right one she noticed it was messily snapped and hung uselessly. Another thing caught her eye; a pile of mane near her left hind leg. Her tail had been cut right near the bone and was still bleeding, much like the revealed muscle patch where her wing had been. A hoof step mad her slowly turn her shaking teal eyes to a figure standing on two hooves. “R-Rainbow…Dash?” she asked hoarsely, “Oh Raibow Dash! Help me! I-I don’t know what to do! Please get me out of he-” she begged before noticing something in the blue Pegasi’s hoof. Her bloody wing with a bone proturding out of it where it whould have connected with her body. She tryed to stand, front hooves proped up when pain seered in her flank and she looked at it. Her cutiemark, three pink butterflies, had been carved out and were leaking blood as she attempted to move.
“Those butterflies would fly better than you.” came a hiss from Rainbow Dash causing Fluttershy to look back at her. “YOU. You are a waste of space! You call yourself a pegasus!? YOU SHOULD BE A WORM, LIVING THE DIRT WITH YOUR ANIMAL FRIENDS!” she screeched hysterically.
“R-Rainbow Dash… I need help…. I need a doctor!” whipered Fluttershy weakly. “Oh help me, help me! I’m hurt, I hurt my hoof, my shadow is scary, wah wah wah!” whined the blue pegasus in a mock impression of Fluttershy, “You always need help. YOU’RE WEAK.” she said in a cold tone. The pegasus walked forward, wing in hoof, and towered over the cowering yellow pony, a wicked grin on her face. “So weak no pony will know you’re missing. They’ll think you ran away~!” chimed Rainbow Dash before she stomped a hoof onto Fluttershy’s missing wing spot. The yellow pony shrieked in pain as tears flowed from her eyes and her body shook violently. The blue pegasus dropped the wing she was holding and dropped both front hooves down of the other before rearing up again. She slammed her hooves down and a sickening crack followed by a shriek was heard as bones splintered and cracked inside Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash just kept pounding down on Fluttershy even as the yellow pony squirmmed and pleaded and shrieked madly. A bone punctured poor Fluttershy’s heart and she began to fade, spasming as she slowly died but still Rainbow Dash kept hitting over and over.
“…..I’m sorry……………“
The blue pony stopped and starred at the broken pony infront of her as that whisper trailed out before the glazed over eyes of her friend starred at nothing. Taking a step back Rainbow Dash shook before turning and galloping off, tears blinging her as she fled. Exiting Fluttershy’s own house she ran, the sun glistening on the thick, crimson blood that coated a usually blue pony. Flapping franticly she gained altitude and fumbled as her mind raced. It was done and over. Fluttershy was gone. Forever. Ponies that day swore they heard a scream full of sorrow from the sky that haunts them today.
Story goes that Rainbow Dash was seen, pale, broken, the exact same as Fluttershy had been before she passed, wandering in and around the yellow pony’s home on days the wind screeches in the trees. Then again, it’s just a rumour, right?