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The final chart for the forseeable future. This one also examines futanari, but this time proportionally for some major characters.
Note: this is a re-up. The original had Carrot Top cropped half-out of the picture and was missing Rainbow Dash and Zecora.
Comparing the Safe:Suggestive:Questionable:Explicit ratio in normal ponies, anthros and humans >>730750
Comparing the Safe:Suggestive:Questionable:Explicit ratio for different characters >>731154
Comparing the times a character is involved in an image tagged “Lesbian” or “Straight” >>731166
Comparing the times certain characters are tagged for breasts >>731214
Futanari (General) >>740752
Futanari (Comparing proportional frequency of depiction by character)
Without Maud Pie >>740958
With >>742839Fetishes on Derpibooru >>748336
(Part 1) The 30 most prolific artists on Derpibooru by image ratings >>913513 (Part 2) The 30 most prolific artists on Derpibooru by image scores >>XXXXXX
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