Continuation of >>660865
Revenge. That’s what the Bright Brothers wanted after word of their new hiree’s captive got to the guards. A few minutes closer, and it would have been back to the slammer for them. Fortunately, a crime syndicate wouldn’t be complete without a few secret exits. For nearly a year, they’ve been planning to take back their property, the one who caused their pub to be ransacked by the royal guard, and today, they were going to act upon it. The day Twilight Sparkle becomes their’s once more. —— All the meanwhile, Twilight was visiting Rarity at the Carousel Boutique, enjoying a cup of tea with her ‘More than best friend’, a thing that had become a somewhat weekly event for them, just for them to catch up on their weeks and overall how things are going. As swimmingly as things were going, it had to come to and end when something was suddenly tossed through the boutiques window. The two of them walked over to inspect it, but before they could get a good look as to what it was, it let them know itself. The item opened with a bang and began to fill the room with an odd-smelling mist. The two mares began to cough and wheeze as they tried to get away, but within seconds, the knockout gas took hold, and both of them fell to the floor, the bell on the boutique’s door providing the song to their slumber. —- Twilight let out a groan as her vision began to return alongside a pounding headache. She tried to reach over to rub her temples, but she found she couldn’t move her hands. In fact, she couldn’t move anything. She tried to call out, but the only thing that left her mouth was a muffled grunt, realizing all too quickly that she was gagged. She tried to call her magic, only to find it completely inaccessible. A sudden flash of light and another groan beside her brought her attention to what was beside her. And she could only gasp at the sight. Rarity, tied to a pole, gagged, inhibitor ring on her horn, and wearing a.. Playcolt bunny outfit. A cyan coloured one to be exact. It was then she knew who was behind this, and realized that Rarity’s grunts and attempts to squeeze out from her bindings were not going to get either of them far. All the meanwhile, two colts watched their prizes from behind a one-way mirror, a smile on both of their faces. They may not have a new establishment just yet, but at least they have their new bar bunnies.