Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were childhood friends, usually taking each others side or rivaling one another. They shared similar tastes in fashion and music, and after Sweetie Belle got with Spike, began looking for somepony to date as well. There weren’t many open colts around Ponyville to choose from. Snips and Snails were out of the question for their stupidity and their strange appearance (even if Scoots and Apple Bloom weren’t shallow, they had to admit they didn’t like looking at them).
One night Apple Bloom snuck in a few ciders and apple daniels to the tree house with Scoots and the two hung out, looking through old picture albums and taking drinks. Eventually they laid out in the grass to watch the stars. Lazily, the two shared a drunken kiss. The two were awkward in the morning, but they decided that the best coarse of action would to be a package. The rest worked out by itself.
They had twins, boys to be exact. The eldest was named Zapple, for his partially rainbow-colored mane. The other was named Dusty after one of Scootaloo’s grandparents. Scootaloo asked Rainbow Dash to be their godmother, and she accepted.
Zapple is the more level-headed of the twins. He’s calm and intelligent, well-read and a good leader. He’s quick on his hooves, quite fast for an earth pony. He can make a mean zap apple jam and excels at making it.
Dusty is the goofier half, sweet and well-intended. He often makes a fool of himself and usually has something up his sleeve. He’s very smart, even if he doesn’t show it. Dusty flies far better than his mother even could when she was a filly, and is the crop-duster of the apple family, ridding vermin from the apple orchard with non-lethal deterrents.