Name: Phoenix Down
Gender: Female
Species: Pegasus
Sexuality: Pansexual
Significant Other?: No
Phoenix is incredibly spiritual. She believes everypony has an aura and a soul, and that there is inherent good and evil in everypony. She works as the only healer in her tribe, a tribe of Indian-like ponies a ways north of Appleoosa. She likes to travel around and make bits selling her herbal medicine, which she generally uses fire and heat to imbue with her own kind of “magic”. She believes in reincarnation heavily. If she were to be in a relationship, I’d like to imagine she’d hate to let her partner use methods other than her own medicine to heal themself. She would be an amazingly loving and affectionate lover and likely take on the nursing and cooking tasks herself and just in general coddle her partner. This opens her up to be used, but at the same time, she knows when enough is enough. Making her angry isn’t fun – you might get a firey wing to the face.