In The Hoofsteps of Heroes follows Platinum Chalice, a simple barmaid who has done everything she can to cut herself off from the Wasteland and the horrors of her childhood. However, when slavers attack and destroy her home, Platinum is thrust back into the brutal wastes and forced to fight for her survival.
Struggling with the weight of her memories and the constant threats all around her, the haunted Earth pony is joined by a group of ponies just as desperate as she is – a faithful unicorn illusionist looking for salvation, a hunted dragon and his pony ‘daughter’, a changeling prostitute hounded by an obsessed suitor, and a mysterious Dashite with a bullseye on her back.
Together, the group struggle against sadistic raiders, slavers, maniacal cultists and Enclave hit squads as they journey north, guided by the visions held within a strange pink memory orb. Their destination: the Crystal Empire, which might just hold the key to Equestria’s salvation… a living, breathing Princess.