Birthday present for the /b/rony and MLPchanner Tom the // bringer. Amazing art by paperponi, idea and request by Aeris/Incendia/Odin/Darth Lyra/todiwan.
Derpy and the moist semicolons represents Derpy, a friend.
The Master pony represents Master, another friend.
The colour of Fluttershy in the picture is slightly darker, as a reference to a joke pony OC created by Tom in the pony generator, which looked exactly the same as Fluttershy, except slightly darker.
On the table are Applejack and Twilight Sparkle figurines, and a Celestia figurine, pointed at each other in aggressive poses, to represent the struggle between Ponychan and newly formed MLPchan, or more precisely, Anonthony (the MLPchan admin) and Cross Breeze (MLPchan mod) and the Ponychan admin, Orange Blaze.
Well-lit version of the image: