Originally a joke oc, I fell in love with her and so I made her as my official oc.
When you are set to do a particular duty for s long you just want to break free and roam the world as you wish.
Princess Spirit here has the duty to take care and guide spirits to the after life.
I’m just going to copy and paste her bio from the first image of her;
Name: Princess Spirit
Race: Alicorn
Cutiemark: Pink crystal heart with a flame of a spirit’s energy behind it
Likes: Children, old souls, animals and warm memories
Dislikes: The evil dead, bad memories
She was the princess that was never born. She died before she could see the wonderful world that her parents wanted her to meet. Through sorrow and grief they cast a powerful spell on her, giving her a body made out of pure energy, one that ghosts and spirits are made out of. Her new body allowed her to grow from a filly to a full grown mare and then the growth and aging stopped. She is 4 thousand years old and is never seen to be happy as she only deals with the dead and the sad lives which they had left behind. She can often be seen next to a pony who has just passed away but she is normally seen by young, old and dieing ponies and animals. She’d often see into a pony’s past to see what wonderful things they did that she is missing.
Friends: The dead and the paranormal
Personality: Very quiet and shy. Doesn’t like to be seen but loves to talk to young and old ponies