From left to right;
Apple Slash: Soarin’Jack
-Named after the blue slash in his mane.
-Special talent: Cutting apples very fast.
-Oldest of the boys, 2nd oldest of them all
Apple Crunch MacinDash
-Named due to him biting his sister after he was born.
-Youngest boy and youngest of the MacinDash foals
Apple Crumble MacinDash
-Named after her brother, since Crumble and Crunch worked well as tin names.
-Middle child and youngest daughter of the MacinDash foals
Zappletta MacinDash
-Mac Named her after the fruit that represents himself and Dash, adding “etta” to the end for a more feminine sound.
-Special Talent: Apple Bucking
-Oldest of all the children
Ambrosia Pip BraeShy
-Special Talent: Undecided
- Is the middle child between them all.