Third part of the colab with my friend Boa.
16: All its in the mind.
Why you scream?! What happened?! Wath I missed?!
Asynjur!, Thanks to Celestia you’re here!, As the neighbors are not in home I turn on their lights…
But a strange beast attacked me in his backyard, but I think I froze it!
Look, its over there!
F Froz en
And its one of those ugly beasts that put innocent ghosts in vacuums!
Froz, you’re so cute you make me feel chills…
And what would happen if I kiss you now in the little horn…? Heh… Heh… Heh…
He deserves it!, No one should scare at innocent ponies like you Froz…
Not far from there…
Under the sea…!
Under the sea…!
I’m a better Seapony than you salmon! Admit it!
Look at me, Im Otohime-Sama!
Suddenly she out of nowhere and jumped into my bed, Oh Comet!, Im so scared…