Note: This is set 3 years in the future.
Main Cast
Apple Bloom: Age 12. Birthday on August 30. Special talent: the arts (painting, carpentry). Earned her cutie mark after volunteering to repaint a mural in Celestia’s castle. Laid-back and lazy. Has a good eye for color. Refuses to believe things that cannot be logically proved. Very connected to nature. Can speak to animals, like Fluttershy. Has a breaking relationship with her sister, Applejack. Middle ground between the bickering Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Has acrophobia (fear of heights).
Sweetie Belle: Age 12. Birthday on June 5 (the oldest). Special talent: music (singing, song-writing). Earned her cutie mark after stealing the show at a concert she never wanted to preform in the first place. Smart, but arrogant. High vocal range, and still squeaks. Above-average knowledge of magic and spells. Has a broken relationship with her sister, Rarity. Thirsty for adventure. Can be considered a jerk, or even a bully. Colts (for some reason) find her attractive. Is far-sighted, but refuses to wear glasses. Grandfather had a genetic cancer, and it may have passed to her.
Scootaloo: Age 12. Birthday on January 2 (the youngest). Special talent: racing/speed (scooters). Earned cutie mark after winning a major racing tournament in record time, with a broken leg. Worrisome and sensitive, but able to stand up for oneself and others when needed. Loyal and dependable. A yes mare (accepts most requests regardless of morality). Orphaned, but lives with Pinkie Pie at Sugarcube Corner. The two are close like sisters. Very protective, especially of the Cake twins, whom are like little siblings to her. Idolizes Rainbow Dash, but has begun to drift away. Able to fly for short period of time. Has “Aerodynamic Suspension”, a juvenile disability that causes wings to lock up and stop functioning during flight.
Supporting Characters
Spike: Age 13. Birthday on December 10. Personality differs little from current canon. Good friend to Apple Bloom.
Pipsqueak: Age 11. Birthday on May 4. Special talent: exploration (navigation). Earned mark (a compass) after leading a lost field trip out of the Everfree Forest. Energetic, caring, but corrupted by Ponyville society. Still speaks with a Trottinghamian accent. Good friend to Sweetie Belle. Crushes on her.
Rumble: Age 13. Birthday on March 30. Special talent: weather control (thunderstorms). Earned mark in a weather competition in Cloudsdale. Confident, malicious, and perverted. Good friend to Scootaloo. Extreme crush on her. Also suffers with “Aero Suspension”.
Dinky: Age 12. Birthday on September 6. Special talent: illumination (sparkles). Earned mark (three sparkles) after preforming a light show during Hearth’s Warming Eve 2013. Clumsy, lovable, short-tempered. VERY defensive about her mother. Occasionally hangs out with the Crusaders. Enemies with Sweetie Belle. Crushes on Pipsqueak.
Diamond Tiara: Age 12. Birthday on February 1. Special talent: exposition (tiaras). Story on how mark was earned is disputed. Bratty, cold, but potentially benevolent. Desires reinvention of her reputation. Attempts to friend Apple Bloom. Broken relationship with Silver Spoon.
Mane Six: No changes in personality.