sketchtime! size comparison and ill never stop shipping those two-edition. well jeah i needed something happy. so hey its cider and dash again. i gues that basicly my canon (for now) for the size of yearling /teenager satyrs compared to grown up ponies. i think im going to finish this later on. wanted to focus on cider first. fun fact about the satyr thread is that nothings true and everything is permitted. oh and heres the usual story behind pic:
“hey anon, i uh wanted to askwhen are humans allowed to buck?” -why are you asking this,rainbow dash? this is about my daughter, isnt it? y..uh i mean no. totally hypothetically speakin of courseand where did you get this axe from?! – well you see, rainbow dash if hypothetically, of course, some unlucky lets say a mare would lay her hooves on my girl before shes sixteen and i hadt a nice long conversation with said mare to make sure my daughter isnt just a quick buck for her. i have five morgans to hide the body. just saying. close to the everfreeaccidents happen. do we understand each other, rainbow dash? …yeahill waituh well talk..i meangottagolaterBYE!”“hehe.i love being a dad. they always buy it. CIDER! come out, hon shes interested if you know what imean.”
im sorry. its clich as buck. but i like the stupid dialouge i made up in my mind while drawing too much to not share it.
GASP! i actually used the safe tag…such heresy.kidding.just kidding.