From the Artist’s description:
You know what pony I have neglected a lot in my art recently? Applejack.
I am not exaggerating when I say that AJ is threatening Rarity’s position as my favorite character of the show, if only for sheer amount of horse power and badassery. Say what you want about her being over-protective with Applebloom in the first two acts of “Somepony to Watch Over Me” but in the third act she broke her concerns and went into full blown kick-ass mode. The kind of mode that ends with her enemies’ spines twisted against apple trees in agony. It was a great moment, and it showed that she can complement those concerns with a good amount of muscle.
I need to draw more Applejack. She’s not a silly pony. She’s not a background pony. She’s not a bad pony. She’s perfect. She’s perfect in all her apple ways.
So, of course, I had to draw something about it! I started this as a small picture, just to satisfy my needs to see more Applejack in skin-tight fireproof boots. It turned into an exercise of light reflection and shading, and I really need those nowadays. The kind of commission work I’ve been doing has been fun, but I wasn’t training hard enough with it. Consider this an exercise where I try my best to keep lighting consistent. I didn’t want to try and give the boots leather feel, mostly because I can’t imagine anyone going with skintight leather anything into a forest fire. Normally you wear gear made out of fireproof fabric, and from what I know those are not made out of leather, I think they are carbon based.
Also, yes, Apple-butt. I’m not making any apologies. Apple-butt with straps, a saddle, a whip, a spiked collar, and a black hat. Let me tell you, she might be in the middle of a fire swamp, but that definitely felt like the North Pole as soon as she arrived. Too hot for me.