My Little Pony: Friendship is a near miss…
Part 1: garretthegarret.deviantart.com
So I’ve decided to give you an explanation as to why Fluttershy’s car is a Right Hand Drive rather than a Left Hand Drive, and also decided to boldly go where no Equestria Girls fan has gone before, and give human Fluttershy a bit of a back-story. I suppose since nobody else is attempting to give her a justified background apart from the fact that she was born at an unspecified date sometime in the near-distant past, perhaps her dad did work for British Leyland of America, clogging up the American motor market with practically undrivable cars that would conk out after 10 minutes…
Still, a lot of work went into this one, plenty of backgrounds, lots of cars, buses and trucks to be drawn, perspective was a nightmare but I think the final result is much better than what I originally envisaged! :D
To dispel the myth that all I do is edit screenshots (which to my mind is cheating), I’ve decided to take a bold move and give Rainbow Dash a friendly Ponytail, so as to give her a bit more connection with her original roots, and somehow she looks better with one (to my mind, I’m not sure what everyone else thinks). :)
I’ve also decided to incorporate a new layout to my comics, where instead of having just a vertical comic, it’s now a two-by-two layout so as to get more of my high quality (or as close to high quality as I can get) panels onto a single comic page without the vertical axis being too large that it makes the comic unreadable as it has done so in the past.
So now instead of reading it directly downwards, it is now to be read from left to right. :)