Part 3 of my experimental series, and Rainbow Dash hasn’t been in this movie 30 seconds and already she’s found a way to mess up! There is a thing called silent mode RD, have you heard of it?
Yes this scene is referencing Top Gear bloopers, but I really couldn’t resist. I don’t know if any actor’s phone has gone off on set before, but I feel that now it has! xD
I know that the skin colours are normal, but I really can’t be asked to go back and do them with purple and blue skin like in the movie. I like to be consistent in my drawings, even if I don’t conform to the cannons of this fandom! xD
Also I know that Spike isn’t here even though in the movie he is. This isn’t because I don’t like Spike, I love Spike, he’s so funny it’s untrue, the problem is I don’t actually know how to draw him, so until I learn how he’s going to be conviniently left off-screen.