Spike sighed, and with a new found determination, told the others, alright you know the plan, lets do this!
He ran after Magma following his lead and jumped into the quarry. Mangle and Snort followed his lead close, and after a bit of hesitation, Sharp did as well.
The diamond dogs who were looking over the shackled dragons were taken by surprise as the five dragons dropped down on top of them. They spread out, Spike running to the nearest chained dragon, and fired their collar and snapped it off.
Mangle ran straight up to the guard in the center and gave him an uppercut. The other dragons were attacking the diamond dogs. Sharp and Mangle were shoving a guard into a wall and Snort was throwing his weight around. The dragon Spike rescued seemed a bit shocked but when Spike said the word jailbreak to him he suddenly understood and took off to help the younger dragons.
Spike continued to run to the next chained dragon and got his collar off as well. One of the diamond dogs yelled JAILBREAK! alerting the others who werent there. It became chaotic as dragons who were still chained started assisting before Spike got to them. Diamond dogs were dropping left and right, punches to the face, tripped legs. The diamond dogs tried to focus on their enchanted weaponry to cause the collars to choke the other dragons, but with all the commotion, they were very ineffective against the ambush attack.
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