First of a two-part update for http://ask-the-mask.tumblr.com
Responding to asksketchknights question: “If we all wear masks, like you have stated before? Then Why do you wear yours?”
Panel 1, holding a gryphon-mask with a bloody beak, Mask describes how she sees the world: “Oh, we most certainly DO all wear MASKS, my dear KNIGHT. We craft them from the EXPECTATIONS of OTHERS, or our OWN expectations of our SELVES. Our HOPES. Our FEARS. …and our DENIALS…And we take them EVERYWHERE with us, for FEAR of being seen WITHOUT them.” (Panel 2, a group of masked ponies stare in shock/surprise/anger at a frightened-looking pony who has appeared without a mask). “We have MASKS to hide FEAR…with a BRAVE face.” (Panel 3: Mask holding a mask of Applejack) “…and UNCERTAINTY” (Panel 4: Mask holding a mask of Fluttershy) “with FALSE confidence.” (Panel 5: Still holding the Fluttershy mask, Mask covers her own face with a Rainbow Dash mask.) “We have MASKS for when we want to be AUTHORITATIVE…” (Panel 6: Mask gazes down with a scorching sun behind her, staring at a jagged, angry-eyed and sharp-faceted mask of Princess Celestia) “…or when we want to SHOW meekest COMPLIANCE.” (Panel 7: in moonlit darkness, Mask cradles a despairing, hollow-eyed mask of Luna, seeming to stroke the mask’s cheek. A single jeweled tear is marked on the Luna mask’s cheek.)