What if twilight never managed to unswap their cutie marks? What if they adapt?
Personally, I don’t think they’d change their personalities much, and they certainly don’t have to swap jobs with each other. Your cutie mark is what you make it to be! Though, I do think it would impact them, of course. SO pardon the simple doodles, but I’ve been thinking about this for a while now!
I’ll leave my headcanons under the cut!
PINKIE - Aj’s cutie mark represents her connection to her family. I think Pinkie would connect to the “rock” aspect of her family much more. She bakes as a hobby already, and we know she makes rock candy with Maud, so now she dives head into rock candy making. And since the Apples are her family as well, her most perfected recipe is apple flavored (and shaped;) rock candy. I put a rock candy hair tie on her hair just because it is cute :3