ES: Seeds of Darkness 084 by EStories, 2015-02-27T22:35:28Z
MLP;FiM is owned by "Hasbro" and "Lauren Faust"
English isn't my native language.
If you find any mistakes (comic/journal/(my) commentary)- PLEASE send me a note! I will correct it!Inspired by:
Check it out! It's awesome!Vectors taken from the show!
When I take vectors, then I will link to them....
This is probably one of the most important pages of the whole comic.
Not only for Silverlay.I would love to explain all of my thoughts about that page here, but...
I'm just too curious what impact that page has on you " Sorry xD
Thanks to Zacatron94 for his background!
Spelling mistake(s) found by:
Updated version of https://derpibooru.org/images/839370