A bunch of alternate versions of Cynthia. All of them take a part from what the sona is based off of... me. Yes, even Nyxus. She's played up, but not entirely fiction.
Alternate Explanations:
Heart Eyed Cynthia: After countless social rejections that she thought she had grown used to, she basically went insane and has become a love obsessed arsonist. She fantasizes about the "Fires of passion" calling them "All consuming". Any love or hate will do for her, most would argue she's more love obsessed than a changeling. If you're in her sights all you can do is pray either tears you to shreds quickly before eating you or that you can spot her and fight back. Those scars were more than earned.
Rejected/Self Fulfilling Cynthia: Slowly being consumed by despair of her existence she slowly contorted into what many would call a monster after she ran away from home. She's emotionally fragile and incredibly sensitive. Most of the time she's docile just trying to survive off of whatever she can scrounge up. Whenever she's alone she cries and partakes in self-harm. She sees herself as broken, beyond fixing, second chances, or hope. She awaits the arrival of her death whenever that may be.
Dead Cynthia: Self-explanatory really. This Cynthia was unable to escape Nightmare Moon and was killed by her. Her screams were heard all around town as Nightmare Moon tortured her until she died from blood loss. Magic blasts, striking, stabbing, blunt force, you name it. What a pitiful end to a world's disgrace.
Assacyn (Or Assassin Cynthia): This Cynthia honed her combat abilities after her fight with Nightmare Moon. She has grown stronger and much more skilled after sparring with guards and occasionally the Mane Six. She has a code she follows. She's a merCYNary, yes, but some jobs she won't take. Namely pet owners due to her love of animals, especially puppies. Constantly on the run and hiding her face. She yearns for the day she can find a place to call home, or maybe even just somepony to settle down with, but regardless... her dreams don't matter. "Just get the job done" as she says.
Impossible Cynthia: This version is the closest to the version we follow. Keep in mind I said closest, not identical. This Cynthia after her altercation with Nightmare Moon adored the aspects of being a villain, mostly the showmareship of it all. She loves to make an entrance and is quite eccentric, but after being beaten and pacified by the Mane Six she slowly integrated herself as a side character after being reformed (think Discord or Starlight). Though slowly but surely she grew close with the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle. They're sorting through their feelings but together... they're happy. ...what a laughable thought that she could find love.
Nyxus: Cynthia's most deadly alternate. Giving in to the ideas of cycles, status quos, never being able to change or belong anywhere. Doubling down on everything everypony saw her as: Not normal, unstable, an anomaly. Talking her out of it is near impossible. She only sees it as proof that she's just an outcast, and that's all she ever will be. and letting go of her desires for companionship or love, she grew incredibly dangerous very quickly. Many fear her, even fewer defy her. Nyxus dubbed herself the Princess of Pride, fully aware all of her actions are self-righteous in nature. She cares little for the peons she now rules over. She has not tried a full takeover not because she can't, but because she sees no point to it. She is often quite stoic, highly apathetic to most situations, even those where she gets hurt. There are very rare cracks in her shell, but once Nyxus is awakened, Cynthia will have been long gone.