Relearning how to ink manually, using:
I have given up trying to learn how to ink in PhotoShop with my Huion. I love to color in PhotoShop and get results that don't displease me. But I can not ink in it, even after taking a month worth of SkillShare courses on it. I mean, I CAN ink in it, but it takes me hours - 4 hours - to just ink a face. More importantly, I do not like the results and it is unpleasant and doesn't hit my "I drew today" buttons at all.
Sure - maybe Illustrator is the way for me to go. I used to use it every day back when that was what I did. But before I buy provide a reasonable monthly fee drawn directly from my soul for Illustrator, I wanted to try doing manual inking again.
So I grab the boxes of art supplies from one of the "I don't know what to do with this stuff" closets and find absolute treasure chests filled with the world's most amazing and wonderful high end art pens and inks.
But - you guessed it - every single one of my OH MY GOD THEY ARE SO AMAZING Grumbacher Artist Pens (EXTRA fine) have dried up completely (pic related, with pen fetishist sobbing sounds in the background):
Yeah, there's a couple on eBay, but they're only FINE and they are BLUE - sins which can not be forgiven. So instead I found a coffee cup from maybe 2003 filled with Itoya "Fine Point System" pigmented ink (fade resistant • acid free) 0.2MM markers, and out of all of those found 1 that actually still worked.
This was how far that pen got me, and it felt exactly like what I wanted to be doing. It was amazing. And then the ink dried up completely and it was over. But while it worked, it felt like my whole body was working the lines. That tiny little 0.2MM nib swinging left and right, up and down, working it along the penciled page like I was back in school. It was heaven! It was what I was trying to find with the Huion and simply could not.
But ...
Look what it looks like when I scan it in and hit the 'ENHANCE' button three times:
Ok, I guess it's time to get the whole 'make the lines meet the lines' thing working again. Which most likely will have to start with getting my eyes checked >_<
Because, right now, it's not the tools. It's me.
Ordered some new pigmented ink markers in a range of sizes and from a bunch of vendors, and an eye checkup for myself. When those get here I'll try some more.