DeviantArt (January 23, 2025 at 8:59:56 PM UTC)
Luna Redesign Ref 2.0 (NG)
ok i HATE my old redesigns from last year of Luna and Celestia. SO NEW ONES YIPPEE!!!I still need to figure out lore/headcanons cause what I had before was stupid :') SO here's what I have for now. I'll update this as I figure it out lol (a lot of Luna's will stay the same as before so most is copy/pasted from her last ref)
Queen Lunar Nebula.
Nicknames: Luna(family/friends), Moonbutt(discord), Mother(Astral), Moony or Glow-stick(Moondancer), Lulu(Celestia), My Queen(Tempest)
Partner(s): Moondancer (deceased) Tempest Shadow (current)
Offspring: Prince Astral Nova
Midnight Haze (Step-son)
Related: Queen Celestial Solstice/Tia(Sister), Princess Polar Veil(Niece), Morning Roast(Sister-In-Law), Starswirl The Bearded(Caregiver/mentor), Queen Mi Amore Cadenza(Adopted Niece), Midnight Haze(Step-son)
Special Talent: Raising and lowering the moon, Designing and maintaining constellations, Defending ponies from nightmares(Post-return).Queen of the Night and Walker of Dreams and Darkness. Lover of stars and all things in the dark, from storms to night markets. Fell in love with Moondancer after she was asked to help Luna get more acquainted with recent times. Moondancer was a mentor to Luna, but also a student. And more importantly, a Friend. They grew closer and they realized they had a lot in common. Moondancer fell first, but didn't tell Luna until about a year later after discovering her feelings. Luna was a bit oblivious, as courting rituals were much different now than the last time she was courted. Moon eventually confessed, and Luna was a bit surprised, but the feelings were mutual.
They took it slow, only marrying after around 8 years of dating. Moondancer confessed to Luna that she wanted a foal. So they discussed options, adoption, gender-changing spell, etc. But soon decided to talk with Cadence to see if there were any other options, as they knew Cadence had been working with Twilight and some other ponies on making ways for same-sex couples and those who were infertile could conceive foals. They had discovered a spell that was what Luna was seeking, and so, around 11 months later (Moon carried), little Astral was born. He was small for an alicorn foal, but has large wings. And he soon grew into them. He now is one of the taller alicorns, only outranked by Celestia.
Soon after, when Astral was a young teen, around 14-ish. Moondancer had been diagnosed with a fatal illness, no one knows where it came from really. She had spent her remaining months with her loved ones, and making as many memories with her lover and son as she could. Her spirit still speaks with Astral in his dreams, and occasionally in a spectral form. She's one of the reasons Astral got his cutiemark.
Later on Tempest Shadow was assigned to be Luna's Head guard. After Tempest and Sunset Shimmer broke up (somewhat amicably) Tempest needed a change of scenery. And Luna was lonely. Sure they had their sister and son, but her heart hurt. Astral would give messages back and forth between Luna and Moondancer when he sees Moon's spirit, and Moon pushed Luna to seek out companionship. She didn't want her love to be alone, especially with how long Luna would live. So after a while Luna and Tempest grew close. They found comfort within each other.
They became a couple about half a year after Tempest transfer to Luna's guard. Astral was happy for his mom, but Midnight Haze(Tempest's son) was not happy at all. He hated Astral for multiple reasons, and now he was supposed to be Family? No way in tartarus...
- Born a Lunar Pegasus(Bat Pony) Gained horn after ascension.
- Raised by Starswirl with her sister.
- Horn became more curved over time due to constant raising and setting of the moon.
- Turned into Nightmare Moon after making a deal with a creature called the Tantabus. A creature of shadows, and thought to be related to the Umbrum. After living in her sister's shadow, Luna reached out into the darkness, and the Tantabus answered. It would give Luna what she sought, to be loved and worshiped like her sister, and in return, it wanted a host.
- Nightmare Moon's defeat took a lot longer than it did in canon. There was a small war, lasting around a year. She gained followers, and this is where a lot of Lunar Ponies came from (Bat Ponies, and their unicorn/earth pony equivalents). There was a lot more death and tragedy in this war, and it only lasted as long as it did because Celestia was reluctant to hurt her sister.
- Luna still deals with her own nightmares about their reign as Nightmare Moon. Mainly about the many casualties caused by her during the war between her and Celestia.
- One of the shorter alicorns. Only Twilight, Stardust, and Flurry Heart are shorter.
- Large wings, slight bigger than the average alicorn, she's just small so they look a lot bigger.
- Eyes, hooves, wings, and light markings glow in the dark. Moondancer calls them "Glow-stick" sometimes because of this.
- Hair isn't always flowy. If they used to much power to fast, it looses this property, and becomes more like his pre-nightmare hair.
- Passed down a lot of markings to Astral, due to alicorn genes.
- Very close to her son and niece, and sister, but slightly more strained now after Polar Veil was born. Tia has drawn in on herself more as years go by. Luna is worried and wishes his sister would talk to her about her troubles. She wishes her sister would pay attention to Polar more. She sees Polar struggling and is worried she'll go down a similar path to her own past.#mlp #mylittlepony #originaldesign #mlpluna #princessluna #mlpfim #mylittleponyfriendshipismagic #mlpg4 #mlpnextgen #mlpfimmylittleponyfriendship #mlpredesign #art #mlp_luna #mlp_nextgen