Story - One Big Unicorn in a Small Village
Somewhere in a village in Wisconsin, the neighborhood was rather silent and peaceful this time around. A man with brown hair wearing a blue shirt, green pants and white shoes was outside with his girlfriend, who is a blonde dressed up in a long-sleeved pink shirt and a purple skirt with matching shoes, holding each other's hands, sitting on the grass.
"Very cloudy, very sunny out, my love..." The man said in a flattered tone, looking thrilled seeing the sky above him.
"I couldn't agree more. Just see all those clouds, they're all big and small. I really wish we could've been able to touch one if we were up there to be honest." The man's girlfriend watches the cloud view alongside his heart. "So beautiful in Wisconsin. I can't say anything more or less."
"Gotta get my phone. I must get a picture of those clouds. Sweetheart, stay here while I get my phone from my house behind us." The man told her to stay put as he had to go look for his phone.
His girlfriend nods her head with a "yes" as she promises not to go anywhere while he's looking for the phone in their home. She pulled out her small water battle from her pants pocket, feeling thirsty, deciding she should cool herself for a time.
"Looking at the clear blue sky. It's amazing that it comes down to the day where some people should watch the clouds every morning. That'll make you get on a good start." The woman said.
Back inside, the lady's boyfriend went into his room to go see where his phone is.
The man still kept looking for his phone as he searched in the closet, the beds, and even on the table, though he continued searching with much effort as possible. "I know my phone is somewhere in here." The man tells himself while looking determined to figure out where did he exactly put his phone at the last time he used it.
Back outside, his girlfriend was still sitting outside and while watching the clouds she waved "hello" to one of her fellow neighbors from the other side, who was coming out for a time.
"Why good afternoon, Felicia!" The female neighbor said, waving with a smile on her face.
"Good afternoon to you, too, Beth! The clouds are just so cloudy and the sun's all sunny. I can't even imagine how I can compare them all together." Felicia replied back, drinking her water a bit more. "I must say, nothing beats the clouds on a day like this, huh?"
"Probably not." Beth shrugs. feeling unsure over Felicia's comment about the clouds.
"I always love looking the clouds when I'm outside during the weekends. This is one of my favorite hobbies I like doing and it sure doesn't get no-" Felicia's sentence was interrupted when she and Beth both suddenly felt the ground beginning to shake.
Car alarms start going off, and the rest of the neighbors inside have been interrupted as well. Wondering what was going on, Felicia and Beth soon see things shaking even more.
Then, a huge shadow was looming right in the streets. Shortly, it revealed to be a huge unicorn stomping through the streets, walking with every repetitious booming sound coming from her four hooves that all made come bouncing in one place. When she stopped herself in the middle of the streets in the neighborhood, the rest of Beth and Felicia's neighbors watch in shock over her immense size. Her shadow was covering the humans in the dark.
"What a lovely village this is! So many houses that look almost identical to one another!" Bookstore Pony 1 said, looking left and right, seeing everything smaller than her.
Felicia's boyfriend came out with his phone out until he noticed the enormous unicorn in their neighborhood. The titanic unicorn wore earrings and a neckerchief around her neck. She was extremely pleased to see the humans.
"Who is that big horse right there?" The man asks Felicia who was the giant unicorn standing still.
"I don't know, but she's so large that she must be from another universe or something." Felicia responded nervously.
"Hey, get off of property right this instant, you big equine!" Beth shouted at Bookstore Pony 1, demanding her to get moving and leave her neighborhood immediately. "I'll get the police if you don't start moving! Move it, you big equine! Now, now, I say!"
As Bookstore Pony 1 keeps looking around, she soon hears several tinies shouting at her, suggesting she moves her hooves and stay way from her neighborhood.
"These people..." The giant unicorn mare groaned in annoyance upon listening to all the shouting from down below. She soon stared at Beth, the one who called her "equine" twice. "You people sure have no respect for giant ponies, do you? That sure is no way to treat your new guest now, is it?"
Beth backed away from Bookstore Pony 1 as she walked slightly closed towards her. Beth ran back inside, shocking Felicia and her boyfriend, who were watching from behind.
The man tells his girlfriend with a worried look on his face, "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"
Felicia couldn't reply feeling nervous to give him a reply back. Felicia couldn't tell what was Bookstore Pony 1 going to do next after berating their friend Beth. Bookstore Pony 1 turned around and look at both Felicia and her boyfriend.
"No, we didn't do anything, we promise you!" Felicia's boyfriend told the gigantic unicorn as he hid behind Felicia.
"Please don't hurt us, we're begging you, ma'am. You are so big you can actually destroy something in one hoof!" Felicia hopes that Bookstore Pony 1 was not going to harm her and her boyfriend as well.
Despite Felicia's words, however, Bookstore Pony 1 leans down with a neutral expression, telling them with a reminder, "Relax, I won't hurt you and your boyfriend next to you. I do wanna say is that your neighborhoods are being so rude that I made one of them run back into their homes. You people should learn to respect giants who are more kind, such as myself."
"Who are you anyway?" Felicia asked Bookstore Pony 1, still wondering who she really was.
Bookstore Pony 1 answered Felicia's question, stating, "Let's just say that I'm a unicorn from another universe where I run a bookstore!"
"And what's the place you call it? I wanna know." Felicia's boyfriend asks.
"We call it Sire's Hollow! That is where you can find the bookstore me and other pony friend be running. Sadly, my friend's not with me, so I'm just alone!" Bookstore Pony 1 replied.
"Can you take us there with you? We wanna see what it's like." Felicia said.
"I wish I could, but unfortunately you humans can't enter our universe. You humans are all better staying here like where you belong." Bookstore Pony 1 denied Felicia's offer, preferring to keep the humans in the universe they should be.
The giant unicorn resumed her walking by raising her front right hoof, shaking the ground and each step she took left behind a huge hoof prints on the road. She crushed a car under her without even noticing it was there.