Fun little challenge I decided to do plus I suddenly started getting hyper fixated over this really old minecraft animated series again xd
I decided (almost) all of the Endventures characters as ponies from Nobraynes and finally The Endermaster.. coming up with the cutiemarks and pony names for all of them was tough except for a few that I can just get away with like Red Stone and Click-clack for example.
I already had an idea of what to name Nobraynes so I called him 'Cookie Dough' and Shadow's name is Silent Night because that's all i could come up with + he's an assassin.
And I also just noticed that I forgot to make Katie a unicorn :|
But ehh, earth pony fits her better, I'll do more since I haven't got to Wrecker or even the Endermaster's old human form, and no, I am NOT designing a pony version for Katie's Endermage form because if i have to be brutally honest, I do not like The Endermage..
OH and PLEASE DO NOT fucking ask me to design the Monster school characters as ponies either for godsakes!