Artist Ramblings:
-Human-Pinkie Pie is my favorite. She’s the most fun to draw and I think she came out the best.
-I know there’s no “wrong” way to do a Humanized Mane Six picture. However, it still really, really, REALLY bugs me that a lot of Human-Applejack fanart makes her look like an anorexic, Texas-themed stripper. That’s why I made her look like a conservatively dressed amazon.
-Rainbow Dash was tough to design because it’s hard to figure out what to do with her. I went with “tiny, spunky, Asian tomboy” because I thought it looked cute.
-Rarity, Twilight, and Fluttershy’s designs were the ones that came easiest. Their personalities make it easy to predict their human AU fashion choices.
-I opted to leave Spike the way he is because being a dragon is a big part of his character and the idea of Human-Twilight having a little boy as a servant felt really wrong.